Image to Base64

Select image to convert
(Size Limit: 2MB per file | Supported Formats: JPEG & PNG)

About Image to Base64

information about the Image to Base64 tool

Convert images to Base64 online and use the resulting string as Data URI, Image Source, CSS Background URL, etc. Sometimes you need to send or output images in text documents (e.g. HTML, CSS, JSON, XML), but you can't do that because binary characters break the syntax of the text document. To prevent this, you can encode images with Base64 and embed them with Data URI. Note that Image to Base64 encoder accepts all image types up to 50MB in size. If you are looking for the reverse process, check Base64 to Image.

Key Features:

  1. Image Conversion:

    • Converts images in various formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) to Base64 strings.

  2. Support for Different Formats:

    • Handles different image formats seamlessly.
  3. Output Options:

    • Provides options to get the result in Base64 string or HTML/CSS code format for direct usage in web projects.


  1. Embedding Images:

    • Useful for embedding images directly into HTML/CSS, which reduces HTTP requests and can speed up page load times.
  2. Data Transfer:

    • Encodes images for easier transport in JSON or XML formats.
  3. Email Content:

    • Embeds images directly into HTML emails, ensuring they display correctly without external links.

How to Use:

  1. Select Image:

    • Choose the image file you want to convert.

  2. Convert:

    • Click the "Convert" or "Encode" button to generate the Base64 string.
  3. Copy Output:

    • Copy the resulting Base64 string or HTML/CSS code and use it as needed.